Pre Construction Pest Inspectors & Termite Inspection Sydney
Call The Sydney Experts
Are you planning an extension, or thinking of building? Then you should include a preventative pest treatment before you start.
Pre-construction termite and pest control involves a termite barrier being applied to the soil after the soil is made level and before concrete is poured. This procedure helps prevent termites in the soil below from chewing their way into the building foundation.
Knock-Down Pest Control works together with developers, builders and owners and provides advice on the best pre-construction termite and pest control options available. Our specialists will assist in the early stages of construction to ensure the building is protected against pests.
We absolutely promise the effectiveness of all our pest management services, and we back up our promise with 100% client satisfaction and a money-back guarantee.
Do you have a pest problem? Have you tried to rid them, but they just come back stronger? Call us for advice. We can explain why the problem keeps returning, and suggest different solutions.
Call Anthony or Andrew on 1300 262 463 and describe your problem.